Cyber Security

Welcome to Our Cyber Security Page

What is Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware, software and data from cyberthreats. The practice is used by individuals and enterprises to protect against unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized systems.

With an increasing number of users, devices and programs in the modern enterprise, combined with the increased deluge of data -- much of which is sensitive or confidential -- the importance of cybersecurity continues to grow. The growing volume and sophistication of cyber attackers and attack techniques compound the problem even further.

The cybersecurity field can be broken down into several different sections, the coordination of which within the organization is crucial to the success of a cybersecurity program. These sections include the following:

  • Cloud security
  • Critical infrastructure security
  • Physical security
  • End-user education
  • Network security
  • Application security
  • Data security

The benefits of implementing and maintaining cybersecurity practices include:

  • Business protection against cyberattacks and data breaches.
  • Protection for data and networks.
  • Prevention of unauthorized user access.
  • Improved recovery time after a breach.
  • Protection for end users and endpoint devices.
  • Regulatory compliance.
  • Business continuity.
  • Improved confidence in the company's reputation and trust for developers, partners, customers, stakeholders and employees.

Types of cyberthreats include:

  • Malware
  • Ransomware
  • Social engineering
  • Phishing
  • Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks
  • Advanced persistent threats
  • Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks

Cybersecurity protects systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, and damage. It encompasses measures like encryption, firewalls, monitoring, and user authentication to safeguard against threats like malware, phishing, and ransomware.

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